Monday, May 22, 2006

Senior Step up day!

We met this morning at Chick-fil-a at 7 to decorate our cars and eat breakfast. Today was our first official day as a Senior at school so we all decorated our cars with streamers and balloon and writing. One of the boys that had a pick-up truck made 3 big flags and put them in the bed of his truck. When we were all ready to go we followed Andrew and his truck to school . It fun to see all the people staring at us as we all drove down the road. When we got to school we had to do the "victory lap" so we all drove around the loop road in our cars honking our horns. All the lower school kids waved at us when we drove by. It was so cute. The funny thing was our principal joined in and decorated her car too! She wrote "Her Royal Highness" on the back window and on the sides wrote "the best principal in town"

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Andrew's Truck

Putting Streamers on the top of the car

The Back of my Car

Jaimie, Molly, Allison and I by Jaimie's car

School is out, but we exams until Wednesday. We only have to go when we have exam and we can leave right when we finish. Today I had my English exam at 9 and I'll be leaving soon to go take my Math exam at 1:30. English was very very very easy. I was finished in half an hour. I didn't expect to finish that early so I decided to come home before Math. I studied so much I knew every single answer by just looking at the first word of the question. My teacher let our class make up the questions for the exam and then copy them all down for a study guide, so I basically studied our exam. It was great because I use a good grade in English! :)

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